Mass Counseling and Seminars

  • For mothers and children: Maternal and child nutritional counseling for nursing homes.
  • For children and teens: Childhood and adolescent nutrition counseling as per age groups- day care centers, schools, coaching centers and colleges.

  • For the aged: Counseling for the geriatric group.
  • For particular disease: Nutritional counseling on particular disease condition.
  • For patients: Patient education

For nutritional mass counseling our main focus is on women, children, students, geriatric group people and nutritional counseling for disease conditioned people. There are two ways of interaction for nutrition counseling in which first one is one two one nutrition counseling and second is mass counseling through seminar and lectures.

We believe in one to one counseling but sometimes it’s not feasible option because of time and money issues. So, another easy and efficient option is through mass (group) counseling which is a feasible option also there are added advantages of group counseling that may appeal to everyone. This group typically comprises of 4 to 200 people. They are led by a qualified nutritionist and sessions are designed as per the requirement of the group. While groups may vary in type and format, a common thread is that members have the opportunity to work on improving their lives.

Salient features –

  • Mass counseling is the opportunity to see what other are struggling in and correlate. Individual counseling does not offer this kind of personal insight into the experiences of others. Feeling of isolation will likely become lessened as individual will begin to hear the stories of others and realize there struggle, as well.
  • During group counseling, you will be able to interact with other members, with the facilitator helping to process the interactions, through observing the actions of members, along with your own; you can gain tremendous insight into your own behavior too.
  • Mass counseling sessions can be even more powerful because you are able to receive support from more than one source. In mass counseling, the counselor is not the only one to offer feedback. Instead, the group facilitator encourages members to offer feedback, suggestions and support throughout the sessions.
  • Mass counseling is a typical way to expect honest responses from members but this type of counseling teaches everyone involved how to develop in a constructive and helpful way.
    Desire to want to report positive outcomes to peers can be incredibly motivational.